The Runway showcase has already ended, but we’re still digesting the new handbags that were revealed. Let’s start with Dior Replica Handbags. It’s undeniable that this fashion house has moved out of their comfort zone. They’re not only making chic and cannage-stitched-handbags anymore as we’re seeing more and more studded, colorful and sophisticated handbags. Like the Oblique Print, The Studded Lady Dior Bag, these are not something that Dior would vote for in the past. Now let’s highlight the top 2 handbags for the Spring Summer 2018 Runway.
The Oblique Print has returned once again and be prepared to see more in the future. This new print is going to become the house’s signature similar to Goyard’s Goyardine and Louis Vuitton’s Monogram Canvas. This tote bag is crafted from canvas and stitched with the new house’s logo in the center. It’s also interesting to see that they did not just write ‘DIOR’ but instead Christian Dior Paris. The logo makes flaunting easier and it’s a nice addition to the whole design.
Is this a new Flap Bag? Yes and No. This bag belongs to the new DiorAddict Collection, we can recognized this by the front clasp. The front clasp is designed with the ‘DIOR’ logo on the top. This Dior logo is embellished with little multicolor sequins, which matches to the jewel-like chain strap.
And while this is a DiorAddict handbag, but by carefully analyzing the size, shape and so on, this bag is a new design and will set to be released in the next season. This bag is more rectangle in shape and it’s beautified in patent to maximize its shiny effect.
Designer brands are changing their games. Dior is changing as well by reintroducing the Saddle Bag but also creating new logos like the DIOR logo on the DiorEvolution Bag or the Oblique Print.
Anyways, the Dior Spring Summer 2019 Runway is about introducing fresh styles of the already existing handbags.
However, we’ve also spotted new bags like a gorgeous classic-looking tote bag, boho-chic shoulder bag and Oblique-inspired Bag.