One of the iconic bags in the fashion world has just been redecorated. The Replica Celine Handbags never stops surprising us. For the Spring 2018 Collection, Celine Gabbana created a fancy and ladylike Box Bag for the princesses. Castles, horses and witches, let’s keep dreaming just like when we were young because fashion knows no age.
Every season or so, Celine Gabbana releases a new version of the Replica Celine Handbags. There are designs when we say no, there are designs when we say maybe and there are designs when we say yes. To the Quilted Replica Celine Handbags, we definitely say yes 10 times.
This charming boxy bag is crafted with a new type of quilting. It’s diamond quilting but in the center (when the lines crosses), the quilting is embellished with studs.
The body is made from bright colors like lipstick-hued, but there are softer colors available like pink. Check out the boutique for more details. The center features the iconic padlock in gold hardware. This padlock functions as a turn-lock fastening and it’s completed with an enamel flower. How lovely, how feminine.
Made in lambskin to boost the chic experience. It comes with a shoulder strap that can be adjusted or removed. But the best way to carry this bag is grabbing the handle.
Open the bag via the turn-lock fastening. The interior features the main compartment, a slot pocket and a card slot. There is enough space to for all your daily essentials and more replica hermes handbags.